Early fundamentals played a big part in all our currency pairs today with the annoyingly early UK data at 7am, along with German and Euro block data at 10 & 11am. The 7am UK
Our ICS Balances were again very mixed strengths today. The main concern was the grossly oversold GBP at the bottom of the H4 chart major support. The ‘weak plus’ index continued to gain strength
Today we saw some decent divergence within the our currency strength indexes and these gave us some glaring choices, though major supports kept a lid on overall points in our 2 our Dom short
Our Dom Short GBP pairs were literally a write off from the UK open with this extremely annoying new time of 7am for UK data announcements. If we had the usual time of 9.30am
Trading shifted to a more technical angle today, although fundamentals are still lurking in the background. Our individual currency strength indexes were themselves very non-directional so overall momentum within pairs was not expected. The