Friday saw volatility drop slightly throughout all our instruments, which have reflected in lower spreads but still nowhere near their normal average. Expect higher broker charges ’till at least the end of this year. Our
Forex & Markets Update 26.03.20
Category: Daily Results
This is going to be the roughest 3-6 months that the financial markets are going to experience in the last 100 years. We’ve already seen this with stocks and I would expect more of the
Forex & Markets Update 25.03.20
Category: Daily Results
Just when we thought that Brexit fundamentals were finally receding to make our technical analysis easier, Coronavirus comes along and makes things twice as bad (at least!). Unfortunately these fundamentals are going to last for
The UK is now literally on full lock-down and our liberties have been drastically reduced, mainly due to the morons who ignored government advice and congragated in their thousands in parks and beaches last weekend.
There’s definitely something not right with what’s going on today. There’s now unprecedented measures being implemented that are more severe than that of the last world war. This is a ‘life changing event’ that has