Fundamentals, poor ICS Balances and low volumes are playing havoc with our currency pairs at the moment. Non official data relating to coronavirus economic recovery and a possible vaccine greatly lifted the initial ‘weak
Our Dom Long GBP pairs were put under immediate pressure from the UK open with the BoE Governor speaking at 11am (high volatility rating). The ‘flat plus’ GBP index quickly ran out of steam but
Yet again we had med and high volatility UK news out at 7am this morning, putting a spanner in the works of our Dom Short GBP pairs with positive employment data. However again, the
Today we saw a bit more trend momentum and direction within our Dom Short GBP pairs and this was despite positive UK data at 7am. The Doms quickly overpowered the news and even our
Lack of economic data and conflicting ICS Balances saw prices ‘meandering’ again with very little momentum on Friday. All early trades did very well but lower volatility saw reduced point gains. Today we managed